To me, they have been material in constant motion, so shaping them into a “finished” form was a risky challenge. I have been performing versions of these tracks countless times and yet never played them twice the same way. This EP is a small collection of works I crafted over the past couple of years in the process of working on my live show. The fourth AF Trax release is a three track EP from our long time ally The Fantastic Twins, who has the following to say about her EP. I showed these to my friend and I think from her reaction it has given her some ideas for how she can express her grief to her daughter.All label profits will be donated to Hope Not Hate ( which campaigns to counter racism and fascism. However, the one thing she does every Christmas which is lovely & much appreciated is to make a cross-stitch card in memory of her grand-daughter. My mother must have had a hard time when my daughter died as our relationship has never been easy. This whole issue of the grief of grandparents is one given little attention though there is more help available nowadays from organisations like Compassionate Friends. I'm biding my time but checked out which charity is appropriate for a donation and the grandmother is planning a sponsored event for the same charity. While one has to respect their way of handling their grief, the pain of the grandparents not being included in whatever they are planning for a 'funeral' for their child must be terrible.

She feels she is walking on eggshells because the parents' way of coping is to close up. I was able to sepnd time with the grandma today - we could dip in and out of the loss as and when while doing an project outside. My last post somehow posted itself before I could add. Another friend's son has just had a healthy set of twins and how I am able to celebrate their births brings into focus how the birth of surviving twin of the other set cannot be celebrated in a similar way. Donations and flowers are an option but I wondered if anyone had other ideas or experiences to guide me. I really want to acknowledge the death and also send something as I would normally do for the surviving child. This morning I heard from grandma that the smallest twin had died at 18 days old but the other one was progressing well. I wanted to at least recognise their birth and found an appropriate 'thinking of you' card with a few sensitive words. She and her husband, in spite of (or perhaps because of) being in the business of helping others, are very well defended people and even her parent's seem to be treading on eggshells so I am very cautious about responding as I would naturally want to. At 19 weeks they were in difficulty but she hung on until they were both born alive at 28 weeks in December. After infertility and 3 rounds of IVF she conceived twins. My daughter's best friend who gave her wonderful support during her illness and dying when they were teenagers is having a difficult time so I want to show suport for her now she is suffering.