To get NEXT_PUBLIC_GA_MEASUREMENT_ID, set up Google Analytics and follow these instructions to find your tracking ID. NEXT_PUBLIC_URL_APP=" NEXT_PUBLIC_URL_API=" NEXT_PUBLIC_PRODUCTION_URL_APP= NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_LIVE_PUBLISHABLEKEY="pk_live_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_TEST_PUBLISHABLEKEY="pk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Navigate to the api folder, run yarn install to add all packages, then run the command below: Important: For Google OAuth app, callback URL is: Important: You have to enable Google+ API in your Google Cloud Platform account. Get GOOGLE_CLIENTID and GOOGLE_CLIENTSECRET by following the official OAuth tutorial. Specify your own name and secret keys for Express session: SESSION_NAME and SESSION_SECRET
To get value for MONGO_URL_TEST, we recommend you use a free MongoDB at MongoDB Atlas or $15/month MongoDB at Digital Ocean gitignore inside the api folder so that your secret keys are not stored on a remote Github repo. IMPORTANT: The above environmental variables are available on the server only. These are values for domain name that you own. IMPORTANT: use your values for PRODUCTION_URL_APP and PRODUCTION_URL_API. env.example this file is public and only meant to show you how your. IMPORTANT: do not publish your actual values for environmentable variables in.

To use all features and third-party integrations, also add the optional variables. env file file must have values for the required variables. URL_APP=" URL_API=" PRODUCTION_URL_APP="" # All env variables above this line are needed for successful user signup # Used in api/server/models/Invitation.ts and api/server/models/User.ts # Used in api/server/aws-s3.ts and api/server/aws-ses.ts env.example, which you can use as a template to create your own. env file inside the api folder with the environmental variables as shown below. verified Stripe webhook for failed payment for subscription.api - server-only code, Express server, responsible for processing requests for internal and external API infrastructures.app sends requests via API methods to api Express server. app - user-facing web app with Next/Express server, responsible for rendering pages (either client-side or server-side rendered).Production-ready, scalable architecture:.Useful components for any web app: ActiveLink, Confirm, Notifier, MenuWithLinks, and more.Custom logger (configure what not to print in production).Universally-available environmental variables at runtime.model-specific components in addition to common components.server-side rendering with Material-UI,.withAuth HOC to pass user prop and control user access to pages,.striving to minimize number of configurations,.keeping babel and webpack configurations under the hood,.Team creation, Team Member invitation, and settings for Team and User.File upload, load, and deletion ( AWS S3) with pre-signed request for: Posts, Team Profile, and User Profile.Adding email addresses to newsletter lists ( Mailchimp): new users, paying users.Transactional emails ( AWS SES): welcome, team invitation, and payment.Production-ready Express server with compression, parser, and helmet.User authentication with Google OAuth API and Passwordless, cookie, and session.Server-side rendering for fast initial load and SEO.Builder Book: Open source web app to publish documentation or books.Receive smart email digests to retain key information. Retaino by Earl Lee: Save, annotate, review, and share great web content.

If you want to learn how to build this project from scratch, check out our book: The boilerplate comes with many basic SaaS features (see Features below) so that you can focus on features that differentiate your product. Open source web app that saves you many days of work when building your own SaaS product.